<VV> Buffalo Convention Report

Bryan Blackwell bryan at skiblack.com
Tue Aug 1 21:10:33 EDT 2006

Tony, if you know of a hotel that's got a lot big enough for an 
autocross anywhere this side of I-81, please let me know, I can't find 
such a place.  I replied privately to Hank already - Northern Virginia 
is anywhere north of Fredericksburg and east of Front Royal (we have 
members in both places).  Nobody should construe me as suggesting a 
Vair Fair near the beltway.  Current candidates are Manassass and 
Leesburg.  When I say there aren't any hotels that could host an 
autocross, I really mean there aren't any.  At all.  Anywhere.  
Probably not at any price.  An autocross will be off site, if it 
happens at all, since suitable lots are hard to come by when you can 
put up 3/4 million dollar McMansions instead.

My (far too subtle) point was that if nobody wants an autocross if it's 
not adjacent to the hotel, then you can pretty well forget having one.

And we'll be having a welcome dinner this time too :-)


On Aug 1, 2006, at 10:17 PM, Tony Underwood wrote:

> Absolutely.   And I know from experience that you don't have to go far 
> to find a motel with enough rooms at a workable price, with space to 
> work from.   Things tend to "spread out" rather nicely once you get 
> away from the beltway.  Only 30 minutes down the road south on 66 will 
> make a difference.    And, it still wouldn't be so far from DC that a 
> tour couldn't exploit the sights with minimal hassle.

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