<VV> Weird ignition trouble

Padgett pp2 at 6007.us
Sat Jan 21 10:56:18 EST 2006

a) Yes it is 30,000v + (PII with Flamethrower II 45,000) but is on the 
secondary side of the coil. Impact on the primary side would be more 
current related.
b) Probability if now it does not run is that you fried the Petronix, 
points ignition will probably take it.
c) P II seems more robust.
d) My method now is to tie a #14 jumper to a slender screwdriver and 
ground, pull the caps back on the plug wires at the distributer cap, and 
use the screwdriver to short the leads one at a time. Takes a bit more 
set-up time but is easier on the system. Wear rubber soled shoes and do not 
touch the car.


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