<VV> valves/clicking

Jonathan Lawler computerwhiz31 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 20:02:14 EDT 2007

well, anyone who's heard of me knows i've had infinite trouble with my
valves. i must've had the rockers off 10 times. anyway, my car's been
clicking lately, and it seems to be pretty regular. however, sometimes when
i take it a mile or two, it gets loud to the point of blaring. i've always
thought it to be a lifter, and had new ones i was gonna put in, however when
i took off the valve covers, the rockers were incredibly loose. so i
figgered i'd set the valves the the nth time and see if maybe the clicking
was loose rockers. so i started, but after i set the first one at tdc, and
when i moved to the next piston, the rockers were loose. i'm totally lost. i
have no idea what's going on, and i figgered maybe one of you gentlemen had
some suggestions.
P.S. how many degrees do i turn the crank pulley to get the the next piston.
i turned it 365, and was off.


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