<VV> Jacking the Power Train

Dave Thompson dave.thompson at verizon.net
Mon Apr 21 11:32:14 EDT 2008

OK guys,

I started this whole thing. I have and will continue to jack up the rear of
my EM one side at a time. I went to Harbor Freight tools and got four of the
small 3-ton jack stands (about $12 a pair).  My larger 6-ton ones are just
too tall and when I jacked up the car enough to get one under it I ended up
lifting the front wheel too. Ever see a Corvair on two side wheels? That
scared me.


Someone suggested using ramps. I tried my old red metal ramps but they were
too tall and hit the body before the tires engaged the ramp.


SOMEWHERE, I thought I read about using a 2X4 across the car to lift both
wheels at the same time. Anyone hear about that? 


Some people have good points about the 64 transverse spring. I have a 63
body with a 64 drive train, no transverse spring and new mounts all the way
around.  Still, I don't want to take the chance of over stressing anything.
I feel it's better to take the extra time to jack one side at a time and use
jack stands. In my opinion, better safe than sorry.


Thanks everyone for your input. VV ROCKS!!


Dave Thompson

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