<VV> Proper torque

Smitty Smith vairologist at verizon.net
Sat Jun 7 22:31:32 EDT 2008

When I was a shop Chief in the Navy (air), our quality assurance Chief approched me one time with an idea.  We got all Petty Officers together in the shop and told them we respected their experience as mechanics but we wanted to wanted to test a theory.  We set up a bunch of plates with bolts and nuts and challanged each of them to torque the various sizes with standard wrenches.  Then we checked them with torque wrenches.  Torques were all over the place.  Few were close.  The ones that were, seemed to be accidental.  A lot were over 50% off.  It made a great improvement in voluntary use of torque wrenches.
  Do I use torque wrenches.  On engine assembly yes.  Otherwise not very often.  

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