<VV> Reciprocate membership, but don't let on to it

cfm cfmann at yahoo.com
Fri May 2 11:24:31 EDT 2008

I like thinking outside the box, so try this one for size.

If the topic is strictly half of CORSA members being apart of an affliated local or vice versa, why not just make it mandatory in a reciprocal manner?

If you join a local affiliate chapter, your dues are $15 for local (or whatever) + $30 for national (or whatever) total bill $45, the local affiliate uploads the money to the national, and you get your local rag and the national rag.

And flip it around, you join CORSA you are automatically assigned to your nearest chapter and the fee structure is essentially the same as mentioned, but only CORSA the "downloads" the local fee to the local chapter.

It would be like a ghosting relationship, and thus you get a vibrant local and national membership. Your choice and freedom as to how much or how little you choose to participate in either. And its just not addressed, the issue of local or national membership from a you shoudl or shoud not. Its just automatic, or at least you just think its a bonus to get two newsletters a month about Corvairs.

And for those who are apart of two or more local chapter, just join more, state your national club number on the additional chapter membership form and you get the same local rate. Only you have a primary local chapter membership and an and secondary memberships elsewhere, just to control the money flow between national and local.

Chris Mann

So increase the damn fee but disperse the membership in both directions.

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