<VV> Convention hotel

Clark Hartzel chartzel at comcast.net
Fri Oct 10 13:09:44 EDT 2008

Once again it looks like CORSA has picked the most expensive hotel they
can find in a congested downtown area for the convention.  I know I am
just one member but I prefer staying in a cheaper motel and having the
convention at a fairgrounds.  I couldn't make it to California this year
but the convention at a fairgrounds on the beach was a success from what
I read.  I am a retiree living on limited income and I will not pay $100
a night to sleep 6 hours or pay to park my car in some hotel parking
lot.  You can always hire a banquet hall somewhere to have the awards
presentation.  I was planning on going to Jacksonville but now I am not
so sure.  It sounds like it will "break the bank" to go.
Clark Hartzel   

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