<VV> Re; I don't write so good.

Ernie Sanders epssax at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 25 19:19:57 EST 2009

Frank:  The two smartest men I know are not educated.  One BARELY got out of high school and is slow in "books".  He can fix ANYTHING and is a very important part of a GE plant.  I asked him "What happens if a line breaks and you can't get a part?"  He said, "Then I make it"  He is on 24 hour call and understands machining, welding, mechanics, electricity, and electronics.  He built the control panels and systems for their Assembly robots.  No true 'formal' education and has made in excess of 6 figures for many years.  My other friend is such a good mechanic that Toyota and Nissan will send problem cars to him for him to figure out.  He understands the engine management computers and can re-program them if necessary.  Again, no college at all.  He also gets into code and tweaks it to make computer programs perform better for him.  So formal education or the ability to read and write well is not necessarily the requirements to be considered intelligent.


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