<VV> Corsa Dues Increase

Kenneth E Pepke kenpepke at juno.com
Thu Jan 29 09:45:55 EST 2009

In this litigious society the local chapters need CORSA if for 
no other reason than the insurance.  Some years ago I looked
into the local chapter buying their own insurance ... you do not
want to go there.

Not have insurance?  Local club members could be held liable 
if a disaster was to happen at a meeting or a show simply 
because their name was on the membership!  Even if they
are not participating in the event!  Mr. Nader and his brethren
have demonstrated that they will go after the money wherever
it is to be found.  I do not know many, me included, that would 
be willing to join a local club without that insurance umbrella.

I have been a continuous member of CORSA ever since I
learned about them in the late 70s.  To the best of my knowledge 
there has been no claims against the CORSA policy but I was
present at a very, very close call.  Other clubs have not been 
so fortunate.  
Ken P

> -----Original Message-----
> From: AeroNed at aol.com
> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 12:17 AM
> To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
> Subject: Re: <VV> Corsa Dues Increase
> I don't like the dues increase, but what else can we do?
> CORSA is bleeding financially. At the current rate CORSA will be 
> gone in a   matter of years. The best solution would be to
> increase membership.   The BOD has 
> tried that with giving away free "Corvair Basics" packages. We are 
> still 
> loosing  members faster than we are gaining new ones. Requiring 
> members of
> local 
> chapters  to be members of CORSA sounds like a good idea. However, 
> based on
> my 
> own data,  we could end up actually loosing more members than we 
> gain. I've 
> hear several  CORSA members say that they would quit both CORSA and 
> the
> local 
> if "forced" to  join both. Corvair people are just too independent, 
> not that
> there's anything  wrong with that.
> OK so we should cut costs, just what should we cut? Publishing the  
> Communique only four times a year would save money. Printing few 
> pages or
> using  
> cheaper paper would also save money. We could get volunteers to do 
> the work
> of  
> Harry and Mike, but struggle to get members to run for the BOD, and 
> trust me
> that's an easier job. Maybe we could get rid of the insurance. How 
> many
> chapters  
> actually use that for meeting or events? Well, none of those appeal 
> to me.
> So, what the big deal if CORSA goes under. Most members only see the 
> Communique as the only benefit of CORSA. Most of the "Corvair fun" 
> is had by
> and  at 
> the local level. Well, first off, VV will go away or change to some 
> yahoo  
> group. The number of local events will be reduced because that 
> insurance
> (that  
> no one uses) won't be there. The sharing of Corvair ideas and events 
> would
> be  
> more difficult. Sure there's the Internet and it would still be 
> used.
> Believe 
> it  or not, but not every Corvair owner (or current CORSA member) is
> on-line. 
> Some  may argue that if CORSA goes under, another club would replace 
> it. How
> would  that club not face the same problems that CORSA is facing?
> I think this discussion is good. I know that this director is 
> learning  
> stuff. I'm also like to put a plug in for candidates for the CORSA 
> board. In
> the  
> past, there have been very few folks willing to run (how do you 
> think I got
> elected?). I can say that my term has been eye opening. I would 
> recommend it
> to  
> everyone. Of course you have to be a CORSA member to run, but then 
> all of
> you 
>  already are, right?
> Ned
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