<VV> Corvair on November 11

Dave Thompson dave.thompson at verizon.net
Thu Nov 12 22:33:11 EST 2009

I investigated powering my 63 Spyder top. While I worked at LS Corvair Parts
earlier this year, I studied several top frames that we had in the shop. I
was unable to see any difference between the power and manual frames. It
looked like the manual spring was simply replaced with power cylinders. I
did an "off the cuff" price tally and found that the cylinders were about
$200 each and the pump was about $500. That did not include the piping and
wiring. I figured that it would cost about $1000.00 by the time it was done
and working and that didn't include the Spyder under dash pod with top
switch (If I could find one).

I figure that when the top goes up or down, I always roll down/up the rear
windows and put on/take off the top boot anyway. What does it take to just
lift the top up or down manually at the same time? I'd rather spend the
$1000.00 on suspension and engine work. Besides, My top is down 90% of the
time anyway.

Just my opinion

Dave Thompson

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Jacobi [mailto:mvjacobi at comcast.net] 
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:55 AM
To: virtual Vairs
Subject: <VV> Corvair on November 11

Veterans Day dawned bright dry and pretty warm so I took the 63 Monza Vert
for a little ride.  Even had the top down!

And that brought up a thought.  Has anyone ever retro fitted a power
mechanism to a non power from the factory, vert top?  Like to hear from
someone who has tried it whether its a hard job?  (I'm fameous for jumping
on where angels fear to tread, on jobs that really weren't worth the

By the way, I pulled over and stopped at 11:11 am for two minutes in honor
of the day.  

Mike in Michigan, air cooled Air Force Vet

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