<VV> FW: Need some Photos

Dave Thompson dave.thompson at verizon.net
Sat Oct 17 21:29:37 EDT 2009

I've gotten some great photos so far. Thanks to the guys who have sent them.


I still need a 60, 62 and a 65 with the red emblem showing well. The 65
picture I have is not very good resolution.


See the attached picture of a 64 for a sample of what I'm looking for. I
will crop if needed.






From: Dave Thompson [mailto:dave.thompson at verizon.net] 
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 3:55 AM
To: 'Virtual Vairs'
Subject: Need some Photos


I'm editing next month's Vintage Times, The newsletter for Vintage Corsa of
Orange County, California. I'm trying to find some pictures of the front end
of a bunch of different year Corvairs for a game called "What Year is it?" I
have a 64 and 65. I need a 60, 61, 62, 63 and a 66 or later. Sorry FC
people, there isn't enough difference in the years to use yours. These
pictures need to be a straight-on front view with the proper front emblems
for the year. I will crop and Photoshop out the license plates as needed.


I need them by Wednesday, 10-21. Could some of you please send me some?



Dave Thompson

Dave.thompson at verizon.net


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