<VV> help! intermittent nasty noise when clutching

Dennis Pleau dpleau at wavecable.com
Sun Sep 6 08:49:26 EDT 2009

Sounds like a pilot bushing.


-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
[mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of Ray Rodriguez (Grymm)
Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2009 5:35 AM
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Subject: <VV> help! intermittent nasty noise when clutching

66 corsa 140/4 coupe (all stock except wheels/tires)

At first I thought the clutch was going, but now I'm pretty sure thats not

Purchased the car yesterday 10 hours from home..... drove 5 hours or so with
no problems or noise.  After dinner I started it up and raised the idle with
the stop screw...  I also turned on the heat and the blower for the first
time (well I did check it before purchase).  When I got in the car and
started to back up I got a very loud awful noise as I was releasing the

Sounds kinda like a belt does when an alternator or idler locks up...
screeching/rubbing kind of noise.. not real high pitched  very hard to

I drove a little bit and went to sleep for the night.  Got up in the
morning.. first 3 minutes no noise, then it returned and continued to get
the noise any time I was slipping the clutch (basically starting from a
stop) for about an hour or so... every time, consistently.  Stopped for gas
and when I left the gas station the sound was gone entirely...  sounded
perfect for the next 4 hours of driving... not a sqeak.  I tried to get it
to make noise.. wouldnt do it.

Just before I arrived at home I started getting the sound again, but this
time when shifting gears... as I shift into the next gear...   not always..
maybe 30% of the time....   but no noise at all when starting from a stop
now.... odd.

Also let me add, the clutch feels fine.. no slipping... no grabbing...  if
it wasnt for the sound all would be perfect.  I'm going to try to get a
recording of the noise... but so far it refuses to make the noise any time
I'm prepared to record it!!!

Any ideas?  I'm planning on driving this car to the Corvair Campout this
coming weekend.. want to make sure everything is ok.

Thanks guys!


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