<VV> Tires & Speedometers

Matt Nall patiomatt at aol.com
Wed Sep 23 15:53:34 EDT 2009

All the tire size for "correct" speedometer readings chat is a bit 
bogus, imo.

Why do you say that?  Many of us who drive our Vairs often and for 
distances  want  our  Odometer's to be correct...

The days of  "close"  or I know to add / subtract are   over  for most 
of us..

then with the WWW.. no need to take it to a shop. Ask questions and   
choose the answer!

 It's so simple

   Why I said a Goodyear 205/60/15  gives a perfect reading....  it 
does...  I've had them on several  LM Vairs..

  Between brands tires can vary by 1"  easily...  so you pick your 
poison .

  As far as the speedometer reading correctly... that's for each to 
adjust their own... especially after 45 years!

Matt Nall
Charleston, Oregon

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