<VV> odd question about July CORSA classifieds

Matt Nall patiomatt at aol.com
Tue Aug 17 02:00:18 EDT 2010

"Respect honesty, truths that are timeless.  88c going-coming with wants.  It's 
quality your car desires.  If it's cheap stuff I don't have fair $$ with 
freebees.  That replaced vehicle that is going to replace rusty got a few 
without owners."


 He's a "Face to Face " man...  If you met him..you'd like him..

 He says, 
"    I respect you and am always honest.  Send a SASE  with a list of what you want.

Quality parts for your car..but not cheap.  I don't make any $$  when I give stuff away.

  If you've got a rust bucket... I've got a few  good bodies that are rust free."

Believe me....  Jeff Williams / California Corvairs,  is the only Vender that comes close to Charlies low prices...

Matt Nall
Charleston, Oregon


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