<VV> a device for parts cleaner reclamation

chris mann cfmann at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 19 12:24:01 EDT 2010

hi guys
here is an idea for a device for parts cleaner reclamation
a series of five gallon plastic buckets, cut the bottom off of a select few and 
rubber band or duct tape different media screens, starting from the top with 
coarse and finer at the bottom planes if you will.
Collars at the top of each bucket to remain to enable "stacking" and removal of 
each media screen or disposal of contaminants.
Sketch shows use of 16x18 fiberglass screening, a scotchbrite disc from a 
commercial floor scrubbing machine, and cheesecloth, maybe furnace filter 
material, or whatever your heart desires.
compliments from a mann with too much time on his hands 
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