<VV> Still more Concours stuff

Mark Corbin airvair at earthlink.net
Wed May 5 02:20:10 EDT 2010

The meaning of the word "improved" is as Kent mentioned. It implies that a
stock car needs improvement by changing things. That is why it's offensive.
Just like calling a custom car "adulterated" - as you point out, it
wouldn't be "a big hit". 

Historically speaking, in the early ('70's) days of CORSA there was a
strong part of the membership that wanted to water down the definition of
the stock classes, so as to allow all sorts of modifications that weren't
factory or even dealer-installed. You just don't know the fight I had over
this back when I wrote the first set of rules. We almost didn't get them
passed by the board. I don't want to ever see that happen again.


> [Original Message]
> From: <Sethracer at aol.com>
> To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
> Date: 5/5/2010 1:52:35 AM
> Subject: <VV> Still more Concours stuff
> In a message dated 5/4/2010 10:32:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
> airvair at earthlink.net writes:
> And NO,  I am not trying to tell anyone what to do with their car(s). I 
> couldn't care  less. But I will defend with all my might to prevent the
> class from  being adulterated by modified cars. A car is either stock or
> isn't. Why do  those who race and/or modify their cars insist on cramming 
> them into the stock  class? Modified cars have their own classes. It is
> who should leave the  stock car classes alone.
> How is naming a modified class "Improved" adulterating the "Stock" class?

> Does this somehow move (cramming?) modified cars into a stock class. And
> are  "racers" doing this. I do not understand this.
> My suggestion - if you really want action, and are not just grandstanding
>  write your concerns to the Concours Chairman, with a copy to the BOD. 
> Suggest an  alternative and list your reasons. 
> Honestly, as a racer, I have no objections to calling it something else.
>  guess is "Adulterated" wouldn't be a big hit.    
> Seth  Emerson

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