<VV> Transmission Problem Advise Needed

Grant Young gyoungwolf at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 30 19:34:20 EDT 2010

I am trying to provide information to a repair garage in the Fort Lauderdale area that has the LM Corvair of a friend of mine. He is asking for diagnostic advise. The PG will go into first and reverse, but that's it. He has checked the modulator connections (slightly loose, but connected) and there is no white smoke. He has been reading about the e-clip problem, but that doesn't sound like what it is. Just in case, he would like to know which clip it is in the shop manual that he has (1965 pg 7-36) and what else to suspect. Apparently the unit started having quirky shifts and then just failed on day on start up. Input will be appreciated.

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