<VV> Better Prepare Yourself...

Mark Morgan rangermk at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 10 20:46:43 EDT 2014

The June 2014 issue of "Hemmings Classic Car" has a one-page article on the 1970s' Monza, titled (appropriately) "The Other Monza," pg 68.  Interesting start to the article: "When you are a big company like General Motors and you have a big division like Chevrolet, you can afford to have your share of dogs--I mean, underdogs."  Actually quite entertaining. 
    When the car debuted I did up a cartoon making fun of it ("What do you mean not a REAL Monza?").  Rocky Mountain Corsa published it, think Corvairs of New Mexico also put it in their newsletter.  I've got it somewhere, if I turn it up I'll run it through the scanner. 

Mark Morgan
Manchester, MO

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