<VV> Clutch Clunk

Smitty vairologist at cox.net
Mon Apr 6 18:49:18 EDT 2015

From: Tom Hughes <corvairdad at gmail.com>
I converted my '68 from PG to manual. It's been on the road for a few
hundred miles. I've got an issue with a clunk while releasing the clutch
Smitty Says;  Tom the only thing I have experienced like that would be bad 
news for you.  I would start to roll out from a stop and then ,Clunk..  Went 
on for months.  Then one day I started across an intersection and it was 
like it jumped out od gear.  No more go.  Turned out to be failed splines 
where the pinion goes on the pinion shaft.  Deceleration would twist it one 
way and it would jam up.  Then as I accelerated it would work loose and 
rotate the other way.  I see no reason why this couldn't happen also at the 
spline where the tranny shaft goes inside the pinion shaft, or even an axle 
yoke on an Early. 

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