<VV> 2016 plans

Jay Maechtlen jaysplace at laserpubs.com
Fri Jan 8 02:17:53 EST 2016

On 1/7/2016 7:23 PM, Bryan Blackwell via VirtualVairs wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Got an update that the convention hotel is filling fast, make your reservations if you're going to Springfield for the convention.
> I started on my rather ambitious plans of bringing our '66 to the convention by taking apart a shifter, I'm going to put in a '65 3 speed unit for the 'factory quick' setup.  Is it possible to modify a 4 speed chrome lever to go in the 3 speed base?
> Meanwhile the wagon is in the shop for a couple little items before the season starts, and before the '66 goes in for her big makeover.
> I've gotten most of the work done on the new box, I'm hoping to cut over to it sometime this month.  Stay tuned!
> Ok, enough about me, anyone else moving on their grand plans?
> --Bryan
>   _______

We have relatives in the Springfield area, so hotel space isn't an issue.
I'd love to have the new suspension and powertrain in, but that's a huge 
bite to chew.
Gonna work in that direction anyway.
Jay Maechtlen
'61 2-dr modified w/fiberglass skin,
transverse 3.8 Buick V6 TH440T4 trans

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