<VV> Oil Filters

BobHelt@aol.com BobHelt@aol.com
Fri, 23 Jul 2004 19:38:31 EDT

In a message dated 7/23/04 3:07:26 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
airvair@richnet.net writes:

> The rest were
> cheap, in more ways than one. The Oil Filter Collectors meeting at the
> convention had a display of them cut open for comparison.

It would seem that cheap is in the eye of the beholder. How can you determine 
how well a filter will filter and how much crud it will hold by looking at 
the parts? all commercial filters have to pass certain SAE performance 
requirements that include pressure testing, flow, contamination retention, etc. etc. So 
it would seem very subjective to try to determine a filter's quality by 
cutting it open.
Bob Helt