<VV> Corvair S tories

Russ Moorhouse corvair65@verizon.net
Fri, 30 Jul 2004 18:03:06 -0400

Through and interesting turn of events, from a newspaper article where my
email address appeared, I got the following reply:

"It sounds very interesting. However, the reason for this email is your
email address  "Corvair 65 ".

"I helped build the Corvair and have a couple  of stories about it, if
you might be interested. Nothing to get excited about, but they ARE
stories.  One of a kind, you might say."

"In fact, I have owned a few Corvairs."

The person's name is Richard Wells and I wrote back to him saying I would be
very interested in anything he has to share on the Corvair.  I have no idea
if he means he was in on the design or was an assembly line worker.
Whatever I get I will share with VV.

Russ Moorhouse
'65 Corsa coupe 140 HP
Group Corvair Member
Kent Island, MD