<VV> Convention Information + Freedom

Tony Underwood tonyu at roava.net
Wed Aug 2 17:55:22 EDT 2006

At 11:16 hours 08/02/2006, George Jones wrote:
>Don't think it's a matter of freedom of speech, but more a matter of a
>consolidated front, and I don't blame them. Having been one of the hosts at
>a very successful convention (Williamsburg), I can understand what the 4
>clubs are going through. I would imagine, and as stated previously, that
>noone in those clubs are interested in hosting even a mini-convention again
>for quite a while. When you get the type of very inflamitory remarks that
>have been posted in this public arena, it's best to have a single, tempered,
>point of contact for responses, otherwise you could be seeing the biggest
>flame war in the history of VV, and it would likely result in the loss of a
>lot of club members.

I have no dog in this fight, but I'd be willing to bet that the NY 
clubs did their best under some trying circumstances.

They are NOT responsible for issues people encountered with the host 
motel.    I don't see much purpose in anyone (should someone assume 
such) blaming the 4 clubs for problems with the motel A/C or 
elevators or parking etc.

...didn't the scheduled events come off well?    I didn't get to go 
but all the photos I've seen of the activities all look as if 
everyone was having a good time, and the show in the park looked 
really nice.   I wish I could have been there.

My conclusion of this convention is that the host motel was a 
compromise which certainly was NOT the fault of the four clubs nor 
was it anything that was intentionally left in a lurch.    Seems to 
be the guys in NY did a pretty decent job of holding all this 
together under some difficult conditions and they deserve kudos for that.

You wanna gripe about the hotel, write the manager; don't condemn the 
NY clubs for something THEY couldn't control.    Seems to me that 
*anybody* who would volunteer to host a Nats like this is bolder and 
more adventurous than the average car fan.    Give them credit for 
the successes they achieved... which frankly seem to be numerous, 
judging from what I've seen in here and on photo sites.


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