<VV> Car Display/Concours/etc

Gary Swiatowy mopar at jbcs2.net
Tue Aug 8 05:33:21 EDT 2006

While all suggestions are interesting, I think we have the best of both 
worlds right now for many reasons.
Our concours, in my opinion, rivals the prestige of AACA, Bloomington, and 
Pebble beach. why re-invent the wheel, for the most part it works and works 
well. And we are not charging admission to view it, nor are we surrounded by 
wine sipping spectators.

Car display, same day, you cannot move it to Saturday, there is another 
event that day. Don't compete against yourself.

Another judged clas means more judges, more awards, more confusion, more 
work...........we are stretched thin as it is, but those offering 
suggestions to add more never seem to have a solution as to who will pay for 
it or who will run it..............

Gary Swiatowy 

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