<VV> "de-tuning" a 110

Tony Underwood tony.underwood at cox.net
Thu Jan 28 08:22:57 EST 2010

At 11:26 PM 1/27/2010, Bill Elliott wrote:

>I know there are plenty of folks out there who will jump in and say that
>their 110PG runs just fine on 87... I just haven't personally seen it work.

Neither have I.   Pinging is a real problem unless you feed it high 
test.   It's made worse in my case because of the hillclimb I indulge 
getting home from work.

I even got into some detailed "investigating" regarding fuel mileage 
and pinging with different fuels, taking notes over an extended 
period of time, just to see what's actually happening with modern 
fuels in a Corvair.   When I have time I'll post what I found out (as 
long as I don't bore the Hell out of everyone) ;)


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