<VV> dual M/C - Shop Manual

Chris & Bill Strickland lechevrier at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 7 18:13:47 EST 2011

On these DIY dual MC installs, the pedal MUST bottom in the master 
cylinder -- does it?

"If a wheel cylinder of brake line should fail at either the front or 
rear brake system of the vehicle, the operator can still bring the 
vehicle to a controlled stop."

"The pressure loss is felt at the brake pedal by an apparent lack of 
brakes for most of the brake travel and then, when the failed chamber is 
bottomed, the pedal will harden."

Steve's camaro parts sells a new reproduction of these "splitter blocks 
w/switch" (for the Camaro - is it the same?)  for 80 bucks and the 
bracket to mount it for another 20 --
     http://shop.stevescamaroparts.com    Item #: 030138
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